Interview: Meet the cast of Miss Brexit


Ricardo and Shivone are both performers and devisers of Miss Brexit, a satirical show on the impact of Brexit on migrants.

What’s MISS BREXIT about?

Shivone: Miss Brexit is a satire about being a migrant actor in London. In the show, we explore the theme of identity through the lens of our own experiences and how it is for us to be a migrant actor in London. At the end we just accept that we are different.

Ricardo: And that's super cool.

What drew you to the work?

R: I was drawn to this play because Alejandro and Amaia - our movement lecturers [in university], now our directors - when we were in uni, they decided to create this project about identity. It was the first moment in the theatre education system jere in the UK that I felt like I had a very good place to explore myself in this way. To have a voice.

S: It is something that we explored too - finding our own voice, our own identity. Through this creative process, we had the chance to be ourselves ny doing a character that is based on ourselves, which our [theatre] courses here in the UK didn't allow. They would give you maybe Shakespeare, very stereotypical “theatre” works. They would let you in [to the programme], but then you could not explore further [beyond what they allowed you to]. So you would be in this little box and there's nothing else

S: Yeah, [working on Miss Brexit] felt like we don't have to try and fit in anymore. We celebrated, cherished all this weird accents that we have because we all come from different parts and we don't feel judged anymore. So yeah, it was very empowering.

What do you hope audiences take with them when they leave the theatre?

I hope when you see Miss Brexit, you will feel empowered, seen, and feel a little bit more close to the person that you were maybe watching the show with. That you will just see that we all go through the same thing. So for me it's this sense of feeling that we all are are the same.

Why should people come watch?

R: If you like fun theatre and you want to have a really good time, you should come watch! If you're into political stuff, if you’re into comedies and satire

S: People should come see Miss Brexit because they will see themselves in that play in one way or another. They will engage because it's fun, it's interactive, it's crazy. And I feel it brings people together.

Catch Miss Brexit as part of ASSEMBLE Festival on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd May 2024. Book your tickets now.